Monday, September 18, 2006

when light turns dark

I captured this on my new phone as i was walking past my local supermarket rather late at night the other week. They must have a 'let's replace all the flouro tubes in our shop with new ones' night. Anyway, seeing them all in their rubbish bins like that just doesn't look right. Interesting but not right. Anyway, I did my research and fluoro lights contain mercury that, when released into landfill (by crushing etc) has a toxic effect on plant and animals and if it gets into the water supply, well it's all wrong. Bad supermarket. Anyway I found this Australian company - SITA environmental solutions (part of a french company) who recycle the tubes and use all the elements for a whole bunch of stuff. The glass gets turned into glass wool for home insulation and the mercury goes to some dental thing (an amalgam - whatever that is). Anyway cool huh. I think I shall be enlightening my supermarket of their existence. You can read more about what they do with the tubes here:


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