My universe is awalk around the block..

Teddy's talk reminded me of a project i did in berlin when i was over there doing a residency as part of
transit lounge. i wasn't happy with the execution - thinking i needed a litlle more time, equipment and ingenuity to pull off my video solar system that the participant was the centre of - so i kind of ejected it from my brain. however i was speaking one of the organisers of the transit lounge at teddy's talk which reminded me of my own border theories i had been playing with and she was saying that the local press in berlin responded to my work, what exactly i'm not sure but it was positive. It was the first time i had really thought about it since i left.
So, backtracking, the residency's main theme was, as the name would suggest, transit.. i was particularly interested in travellers and the geo-political borders they cross in order to get where they are going ie crossing the middle east en route to europe from sydney.. and wanted to use google earth as the technology.. I'd worked out how to record video from the hard drive of google traking which was a start.. and then spent weeks of hell over-intellectualising everything, blowing out ideas and failing to put my finger on any one thing. Those weeks involved waking up at our apartment, walking around one corner of the block to get bread, walking around the next corner to get to the gallery, and then walking around the next corner in the evening to get beer. So essentially, I had spent 2 days in transit to go to the other side of the world to spend my days walking around this one little block in Friedricshain. A realisation thankfully. So I'd already worked out how to map ontop of google earth so I took a walk around the block and gathered textures from my journey around it.. i then created a solar system of planets mapping the textures to the earth and recording the planets orbit as video. The plan was then through projectors and monitors to emulate a universe with me, you , whoever being the centre of it. I also made a map book, that was a pictorial rationale of the idea. Unfortunately after weeks of being immersed in it technology decided to fail on me and file formats, computers, and projectors all decided to crap out. Oh if given a few more days. This left me deeply dissapointed and I didn't want to think about it anymore, let alone think about another video project for a while. So months later, i find out my little book was all it took for the Friedricshain press to warm to it and discuss it, hooray. And this info fresh on the back of Teddy's inspirational talk. Maybe I'll start tracking my daily walks again..