Monday, October 16, 2006

greatest love poem

So two of my oldest, dearest, straight but whacky friends got hitched in Carlton Gardens on the weekend and I had to give a speech. I decided I was going to write the best love poem ever written by referencing the best love song lyrics ever written - a postmodern pop pastiche in line with my current obsession with turns of phrase. On assesment of the generally conservative guests I started to worry that my poem would go down like bruce springsteen to the river (ie dive), but my fears were allayed when we arrived at the reception and they had a screen silently playing their favourite movies throughout the evening being electric boogaloo, the karate kid, and bring it on. Here it is:

'The Greatest Love Poem'
for Matt and Foong

Close your eyes give me your hand, do you feel my heart beating?
Beacause I'm crazy for you, touch me once and you know it's true,
You are so beautiful to me
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
And nothing's going to stop us now
Beacause these dreams are made when I close my eyes,
It isn't hard to see we're in heaven.
So give me the beat boy and soothe my soul, I want to get lost in your rock n roll,
Because everything I do I do it for you
And I will always love you
Sweet child of mine.


Blogger Kuba said...


11:59 PM  

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