deconstructed christmas

about a month ago the happy-go lucky young things i work with decided to have a christmas decorating competion the theme being 'christmas - what it means to you'. of course christmas decorations are not my thing and i quickly dismissed, however in the last few weeks the enthusiasm for said competition amongst the rest of the office reached fever pitch. now as cheesey as it sounds these people are all really nice, genuinely enthusiastic and have really help build a nice atmosphere over the last year.. So, this week rather than be a cynic, i decided to participate and interpret the theme 'what christmas meant to me'. I'm definitely not christian, and will be off camping on christmas day - hopefully without a christmas decoration in sight.. so i decided to 'deconstruct' a christmas tree by ripping off all it's branches and turning those branches into a forest populated with flowers, koalas, and a platypus.
you can see the pole that once was a christmas tree in this photo.. i didn't win the competition obviously and needed to explain my idea through to a few people, but that was kinda the point..